The Skills and Experience BKJ SOLUTIONS brings to inland-terminals and short sea barging projects

BKJ SOLUTIONS is ideally suited to provide professional services for barging projects in Sub Saharan Africa. BKJ SOLUTIONS understands the challenges and offers a highly skilled and experienced team. BKJ SOLUTIONS is used to devising solutions that optimise the desired outputs of rail shuttle and barging service capacity, journey time, reliability and safety against the capital cost and on-going maintenance liability.

Of particular importance is that team members have broad experience as well as being specialists in at least one and often two or three particular disciplines. Therefore the team members can more rapidly identify and distinguish options that are potentially viable or attractive, and sift out those that are flawed. The team has delivered some exciting projects internationally and is capable of tackling all rail shuttle and barging issues as well as working on multimodal interfaces and financing of complex infrastructure projects.

Understanding rail shuttle and bargingas a transport system and a business

The BKJ SOLUTIONS team brings in depth knowledge of barging as a complete transport system, as an engineering system and as a business, which is critical in developing practical and cost effective solutions for rail, inland waterways and short sea projects wherever they may be.

They know how barging corridors work, how to build them, how to maintain them and how to run them. BKJ SOLUTIONS’s knowledge of rail and barging operations is a major asset in identifying options for implementation of International Rail and Barging Projects, whether they are an improvement of existing infrastructure and transport assets, new corridors or improving operations and profitability.

Their operational knowledge ensures solutions that maximise corridor capacity and provide best journey times, while optimising the initial capital cost of the infrastructure work and future maintenance.